Sage Eyes

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Welcome to Sage Eyes, home of the fantasy comic about a thief, a princess, and a land thrown into chaos over their decisions. Meet Simon, the Light Thief, as he sneaks into a royal ball and steals a dance with Princess Tiffani, not knowing how that little act will have big repercussions in both their lives.

In Mith, the city of glowing crystals, the Light Thief leaves a trail of shadows.

Join us to follow the trail and see if the thief and the princess can work together or end up killing each other as they fix what went wrong in Sage Eyes: The Light Thief. What secrets are they keeping from each other, who are their friends and who are their enemies?

Read the comic here on the website, starting here, or on any of these comic platforms:


Simon is the Light Thief, a man who can steal the light from the glowing crystals that are all the rage in the city of Mith. He also is part of the band of thieves called Snake Eyes, who have developed the reputation as the best thieves in town. But when Simon takes on a job with unforeseen consequences, things are going to change in ways no one thought.


Princess Tiffani Blade, princess of the kingdom of Mith, daughter to King Jorj and Queen Marta Blade, is the second born daughter, but now, after the disappearance of her sister Alayna, is in line to become queen, if she can marry a noble. She values her independence, though, and had thought herself free from the politicking that would assign her a marriage, but her father has other plans for her.